2013 ASA Annual Meeting
Check the program for the schedule, abstracts, and index
Video links are mp4 format; Audio links are mp3 format; Slides are pdf format
Friday, 19 July 2013
7:30 PM |
Plenary Session I.A |
Jeff Cornwall, "Entrepreneurs as Stewards" video | audio | slides |
Saturday, 20 July 2013
8:45 AM |
Plenary Session II.A |
Mary Wagner, "Taking the Road Less Traveled: Building Bones for Christ" video | audio | slides |
Oral Session II |
II.B. Appropriate Technology and Stewardship |
II.C. Science and Faith: History, Philosophy, and Theology
II.D. Genetics, Paleobiology, and the History of Life
10:30 AM |
Terry Gray, "Feeling the Heat—Globally" audio | slides |
Dominic Halsmer, "What Hath Stuttgart to do with Jerusalem? Exploring a Model of God as Engineer” audio | slides |
David Campbell, "A Brief History of Slime: 550 Million Years of Mollusks" audio | slides |
11:00 AM |
John Greenplate, "High-Tech Crops and Low-Tech Farming: Small-Holder Benefits from Adoption of Insect-Protected Biotech Cotton in West Africa" audio | slides |
Peter Hess, "Evolving into the Image of God" audio | slides |
Loren Haarsma, "Models of Evolving Interlocking Complexity in Biology and Economics" audio | slides |
11:30 AM |
William Jordan, "Christian Humanitarian Engineering" audio | slides |
George Murphy, "The Real Presence of Christ in the Real World" audio | prose |
Ralph Stearley, "Metaphoric Lexical-Semantic Capacity in the Erection of a Cognitive Platform for Humanity during the Paleolithic" audio | slides |
1:15 PM |
Plenary Session III.A |
James Van Dam, "Faith, Fusion Energy, and Federal Service" video | audio | slides |
Oral Session III |
III.B. Physical Sciences: Recent Advances and Implications |
III.C. Science and Faith: History, Philosophy, and Theology (cont’d) |
III.D. Communicating Science and Faith in the Classroom, Church, and the Media |
3:00 PM |
Matthew Huddleston, "The Challenge of the 4th Dimension in Modern Physics and Biblical Orthodoxy” audio | slides |
Steve Robinson, "Dealing with Natural Selection in Scripture” audio | slides
Paul Arveson, "Exaggerations and the Troubles They Cause” audio | slides |
3:30 PM |
Clarence Menninga, "Inventiveness in Portraying God’s Handiwork” audio | slides
Mark Shelhamer, "Can We Really Know Anything at All?” audio | slides
Stephen Contakes, "Atomic-Molecular Theory: An Opportunity for Exploring the Foundations of Science and Religion Dialogue in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum” audio | slides |
4:00 PM |
Arnold Sikkema, "Emergence in Physics: Signposts of Creativity” audio | slides
Scott Symington, "Cameras of the Watchman: The Real Relationship between Science and Religion” audio | slides |
Tony Jelsma and Jeff Ploegstra, "Global Problem Solving: Using an Interdisciplinary Approach to Engage Students in Addressing Global Problems” audio | slides |
Sunday, 22 July 2013
9:30 AM |
Session IV.A. Worship Service |
1:30 PM |
Plenary Session V.A. |
Andrew Bocarsly, "A Chemist’s View on Interacting with God’s Creation on Campus and in the Business World: Carbon Dioxide, a Problem and an Opportunity” video | audio | slides |
Oral Session V |
V.B. Appropriate Technology and Stewardship (cont’d) |
V.C. Genetics, Paleobiology, and the History of Life (cont’d) |
V.D. Communicating Science and Faith in the Classroom, Church, and the Media (cont’d) |
3:15 PM |
Keith Miller, "The Fossil Record and the Cambrian ‘Explosion’: An Update” audio | slides |
Francis Su, "Lessons from ‘The Lesson of Grace in Teaching’”
3:45 PM |
Ruth Douglas Miller, "Our Electricity Future” audio | slides |
David Wilcox, "Updated Notes on Genetic Prehistory” audio | slides |
Kathleen Tallman, "Faith Integration in the Context of an Undergraduate Cadaver Lab” audio | slides |
4:15 PM |
Martin Price, "Using Science to Help the Extremely Poor” audio | slides |
V.E. Faith and Ethics in Biomedical Science
Jay Hollman, "Medical Ethics and Health Care Reform” audio | slides |
David Vosburg, "Catalyzing Compatibility of Evolution and Christian Faith” audio | slides
Monday, 23 July 2013
8:45 AM |
Plenary Session VI.A |
Bruce Vojak, "The Love of Innovation: Toward a Theology of Breakthrough Corporate Innovation” video | audio | slides |
Oral Session VI |
VI.B. Appropriate Technology and Stewardship (cont’d) |
VI.C. Science and Faith: History, Philosophy, and Theology (cont’d) |
VI.D. Communicating Science and Faith in the Classroom, Church, and the Media (cont’d) |
10:30 AM |
Joshua Weed, "Natural Fiber Reinforced Composites: A Means to Ascribe Global Economic Value to Unique Renewable Resources in Developing Countries” audio | slides |
Lanny Vincent, "Awe and Wonder: A Biblical Nudge to Scientists and Engineers When Innovating” audio | slides |
Denis Lamoureux, "The Flip (Blended) Classroom for Science and Religion: Some Preliminary Observations” audio | slides |
11:00 AM |
Ray Williams, "The ‘Image of God’: Its Scriptural Setting” audio | slides |
John Staver, "Examining Hoosier Legislators’ Continuing Attempts to Legislate Teaching Religion in Science Class with Four Lenses: Science, Religion, Law, and Truth” audio | slides |
11:30 AM |
David Winyard, "Creativity and Transhumanism: Where Are the Limits?” audio | slides |
David Saunders, "Parallel Standards for Disclosing Inventions and Disclosing the Gospel” audio | slides |